Hit Wicket

Of the relatively few wickets taken on Saturday, the rarest type of dismissal was that taken for the 1st XI by Matt Hill at Kimberley.

His 'Hit Wicket' wicket prompted a look at previous occurrences.  My initial look at Play-Cricket data came up with quite a lot including two in a single game for Savin Perera.  I'm then left thinking - 'Surely I would have remembered that; Play-Cricket strikes again!'  

After making some individual game checks, there have actually been very limited instances.

Before Matt's the most recent was Burhan Alam in 2017 for the 2nd XI at home against Balderton.

Ciaran Doherty took one for the 3rd XI against Oxton in 2013.

We then go all the way back to 1989 for another one taken against Oxton, this time by P Hemmingsley for the 1st XI.

The earliest one recorded in Play-Cricket was taken by Rob Howarth in 1988 for the 1st XI - also against Oxton!

In case you're wondering, the three Oxton batters dismissed were all different players.


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